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Vote for your favorite SXSW Panel!

This year, Mullen Lowe Group had an amazing 16 entries into the SXSW PanelPicker so created a specially dedicated site where we could show off all the submissions and make voting easier. SXSW is a melting pot of innovation and geek-iness. It’s an inspiring window into the future, and as a network we should be at the forefront, showcasing all the diverse talent our network has to offer.

Take a look at all the fab ideas here, find out more about the talks, the people behind them, and most importantly vote for your favourite – or why not all 16!

You can vote for each submission once.
Please also leave a comment on why you think this particular talk(s) should take centre stage at SXSW, your opinion matters!

Thanks, and please feel free to share.


SXSW news web post