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Juan Sevilla about Christmas

Creative Director Juan Sevilla, has been asked to give his professional and personal point of view on the Spanish advertising scene in Christmas. December’s traditional celebration means different thing in different places, Little Black Book wanted to transmit every corner’s perspective paying attention on communication details. For that, several Directors have given their opinions according to their background and knowledge. Directors coming from agencies such as Hello LOLA, Lowe SSP3 in Bogota, DDBO Melbourne, JWT Brazil, VCCP Berlin…

Juan Sevilla:

“Christmas in Spain is as omnipresent as anywhere, but for me, more than a commercial or religious time of year, it’s celebration time”

Juan Pablo García:

“In Colombia, the most iconic Christmas ads evoke nostalgia and emotion through music”

Gustavo Soares:

“At Christmas you have your auntie enquiring about when you plan on having babies, your dad badly dressed as Santa…”



Read the full interview here
