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Cátia’s illustrations

by Isabel A

Cátia loves stories and one day she decided to draw images that would be like a second narrative that makes readers’ imaginations soar. Her illustrations are conceptual, playing with textures and using a less conventional use of acrylic. “I pick up the pencil and express myself spontaneously”, Cátia tells us.

Her most recent work is a bilingual book of illustrations, in Portuguese and English, entitled “If Animals Could Choose Their Nationality” written by Alice Cardoso, illustrated by Cátia Vide and published by Recortar Palavras.




“Alice wrote this story with an ingenuous method, since it stimulates interest in knowledge in a very fun way. And my work here was precisely to transmit this idea through the characters. Each animal has a different nationality and the reader can describe the world through the traditions, culture and monuments of each country that is represented.”



If you’d like to buy the book, you can get in touch with Cátia at: