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Captura de pantalla 2014-11-12 a la(s) 17.21.59

A Typeface you have to see.


Hugo Ferradas, an Art Director at LOLA Barcelona tells us about his latest creation, Diagonal. The simplest, most beautiful typeface we´ve seen in a long time.

Was there a selection process to get your design included? Can anyone propose a design?

I think they would be thrilled to have proposals from designers, but its another story if they decide to publish them or not. I was lucky enough to have been working at Herraiz Soto when the project was launched, so I had the boss on hand to show him my proposal in person. And it stuck.

Have you always been interested in typoography? What fonts do you wish you had designed?

I guess I´ve been interested in typography  since I´ve been interested in design in general, its hard to understand one without the other.  The problema with typography is that you have to have something to say to be able to use it, unless your job is designing t-shirts for Pull & Bear.

My favorites? If you´re referring to which typography I would like to be used on my gravestone, I could tell you a different one every month.  I spend all day looking a new things and changing my opinión constantly. If you work in this field (art direction and design) you can never trust your taste in the longterm. That´s why I know I should never get any tattoos.

What blogs/sites do you look at daily?

Weeell… I think at the end of the day we all end up looking at the same blogs, but internet is veeery big and every once in a while you find somewhere new to copy from.
What I can tell you, even though my bosses won´t believe me, is that Facebook is one of my main work tools. I follow a ton of other agencies, studios and interesting people who are constantly sharing great references.

Who is your idol?

What a deep question while talking about typography… Without a doubt it is not Adrian Frutiger, I respect typography, but not that much.  And I actually have no idea who my idol could be but I really look up to Aaron Caissie. I think he is incredible, the vision he has for including so many elements in such small spaces.

Can you buy the posters?

Not yet, but soon you should be able to buy them on

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